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admin 区块链钱包 2023年06月01日


This is as follows:

Asset (Revenue) = $20,000 (18/18+3) = $17,143

In order to assess the performance of performance obligations,Ramification would refer to the contract and the survey. Ramification would see that the foundations are complete and the brickwork is not. So an asset of $500k in year one would be recognised.

The proposal proposes that at the point of contract signature the supplier has an interlocked asset and liability. The asset is the right to the cash from the customer and the liability is the obligation to perform.

To paraphrase the framework 'An asset/liability is a present right/obligation to a future economic inflow outflow'.

More importantly the proposal is to create revenue guidance based on the framework and the key elements of as sets/liabilities.

Because the asset is a right to a cash flow and timing makes a difference to value,the IASB are proposing discounting.

in part (c),Once the supplier has fulfilled the performance obligation,the interlocked liability is removed and the remaining asset is revealed and recognised.


(d) Proposed (X) Revenue explanation



Proposed (X) Revenue

Asset (revenue) = $500k/1.1 = $455k

Proposed (Y) Revenue

Performance obligation

Proposed (Y)Revenue explanation Under the proposal this second contract must be unbundled;that is broke down into its two parts,hut revenue and warranty revenue. This would be done using the hut and warranty separate sales figures.

Once the supplier has fulfilled the performance obligation,the interlocked liability is removed and the remaining asset is revealed and recognised.

At this point the revenue is recognised almost as an afterthought. Notice that the proposal focuses on the asset and liability first. Then once the asset is revealed the revenue is recognised.

As explained in part (a),existing revenue reporting is intuitive;it is interpretive. The result is that when revenue becomes more complex,as it does in these two examples,there are vari ous ways of recognising the revenue.

The result would be the following revenue:





Because a bundled transaction has two performance obligations,unbundling becomes compulsory. So the one sale of two things must be split into two (see Part (d)proposed (Y) revenue below).

The above covers the highly conceptual revenue development project and also gives you an example of how to answer the current issues question.


The IASB are proposing a change from performance reporting to positional reporting.
